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The Food & Mood Centre are looking for participants for a dietary research trial for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who also have anxiety and/or depression.


Participants will be asked to follow the study diet or their usual diet for 6 weeks. Those allocated to the intervention group will be provided with 1:1 advice by a dietitian and given a small food hamper.

If allocated to the control group, dietary advice and a food hamper will be offered at study completion. This study will be conducted entirely online with a video call at week 1 and week 6, along with weekly support phone calls.


You may be eligible if you:


.  Are 18-65 years old

.  Have irritable bowel syndrome

.  Have current anxiety and/or depressive symptoms

.  Are not pregnant or lactating

.  Are willing to follow the study diet for 6 weeks


For more information please contact Sophie on (03) 5227 8622 or email


This study is a joint venture undertaken by researchers at Deakin University and Barwon Health.


9 June 2021

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